Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Rainy Day Mishap

It's October 9 and today was the first time it's been raining when school got out.  I started to stress about 2:15 when I realized it was raining and likely would still be raining at 2:55.  So I tried to plan.... because that's what I do.  Brainstorm all my potential solutions.  Weigh all my options.  Make a decision.  I had a few big obstacles:
  1. When the boys left for school this morning, we did NOT discuss a plan for rain.
  2. I could not get into their little heads to figure out what they were expecting from me.
  3. I JUST read the school's newsletter last night and it stated that:
    1. Parents should not email teachers to arrange pick-up procedures.  It's the parent's responsibility to be prepared for inclement weather. (OOPS)
    2. It clearly stated that children shouldn't ride scooters to school and if they did they should be stored in their lockers - not on the bike rack.
IDEALLY - I would have sent this email:

So sorry to bother you but I didn't realize it was going to rain this afternoon.  Could you please let my child know that I will pick him up outside the first grade classrooms?  Please have him pick up his scooter from the bike rack before coming to my car.

But because I read that newsletter and I don't want to break any stupid rules and I don't want the teachers to hate me and I truly don't want to create more work for them, I decided to park on the street behind the school.  I knew they would see me.  They'd still have to walk in the rain a little bit but I'd save them half of the walk at least.  So, I drove to the school.  Waited.  Saw them walking down the sidewalk and was relieved my "plan" was going to work.  One of my friends drove by as the boys were approaching my car. I waive at the boys.  My friend and I were chatting about the unexpected rain.  I look in my rear view mirror, and the boys are riding their scooters home...  I have been left behind!

I get home.  I'm laughing.  I ask AJ why he didn't get in the car.  He tells me, "I wasn't sure if I was supposed to!"  ?!??!?!?!??!  I ask Tyler the same thing.  He gives me the exact same answer.  So then I ask them why they think I would have been parked there if not to give them a ride home.  AJ said, "I thought you were just watching to make sure we got home OK. I didn't know if I should put my scooter in your car."  !?!?!?

And now please refer back to point #2 - "I could not get into their little heads to figure out what they were expecting from me."  Yep!  Never, ever, ever, ever crossed my mind that they would see me and think I was planning on watching them walk home in the cold rain... for fun.  It all worked out though.  They got home.  They did not melt.  And now I know, next time, I let them walk and I stay home curled up in front of the fireplace!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! Thanks for the laugh this morning! Totally made my day! :)
