Thursday, February 21, 2013

Conference Time!

This week we had conferences for the boys.  I don't typically get super excited about conferences for a couple reasons:
  1. I always know the boys' teachers.  I'm lucky that I can pop in after school and help with class parties so this isn't a time for me to get to know the teachers.
  2. The report cards are ridiculous.  Everything is broken out in to so much detail that I don't know what to think of their scores.
  3. Tyler and AJ are both easy going kids.  They are well behaved so I don't expect to a bad report about their behavior.
So, what else is there, right?  Well this time... conferences were awesome.  The boys both led their conferences so they could show us what they were learning.

AJ counted money so fast that his teacher thought he got it wrong... but he was right.  He did a good job reading to us even though he was embarrassed.  (Found out his ears turn bright red when he's nervous and/or embarrassed!)  He showed us how his writing has improved.  The letter he wrote for his conference melted my heart.  (Or in the words of Grandma Jane, "pulled on my heart strings!")  I scanned the letter below.  Of course, Miss Robinson said she loves having him in class and that he's a great student.

Tyler has led conferences before so he was a pro.  Walked in, sat down, and was ready to go. His teacher was on maternity leave at the beginning of the school year so this was the first time we got to sit down and talk about Tyler with her.  She started by telling Tyler that she hopes her son grows up to be the kind of kid Tyler is.  Can you get a better compliment than that!?!?  He wrote a personal narrative that was awesome.  It's a story about helping Grandma and Grandpa's neighbor on the tractor.  Grandma and Grandpa's neighbor will love the story!

I'm one happy/proud mama!!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Special Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was GREAT this year!  GREAT!

The boys and I decided to deliver some valentine's day gifts to a couple of my favorite Ankeny residents.  I'm hoping to teach them to do random acts of kindness as I remember to do them myself!

Both friends that we visited were so happy.  In fact, I heard the words "made my day" from both of them.  As if that wasn't good enough, I was SO SO SO proud of the boys.  Neither of these are people that they know well but they were totally in to it.  They were so friendly and answered a bunch of questions. Only bummer was that I was so wrapped up in the moment that I forgot to take pictures.

Sunday, February 10, 2013


For my 2013 new years resolution, I decided I was going to take advantage of the new iphone and take a picture representing each day.  A good friend recommended the app "Gratitude 365."  You can upload a picture and list what you are are thankful for.  I LOVE this app!  I did pretty well in January and only missed two days... although, I don't know how I missed two days!!!  There may be a slight lack of creativity here since it seems each picture is either the kiddos or food!!  HAHA!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

What Have I Been Doing??

Sooooooo...... I have NO good explanation as to why I haven't looked at this blog o' mine in MONTHS!  I've been putting off posting something feeling overwhelmed about all of the catch-up I should do.  So here it is in bullet points (which does not do justice to the amazing memories!)...
  • Tyler had a birthday.  Nine years old.  Holy Moly - how is that possible!?!?  I love that kid so much and I can't believe how fast these nine years have gone.
  • Cody the Elf living with us for 24 days was so much fun for all of us.
  • Christmas was great.  Christmas break without work and school was FANTASTIC. 
  • New Years was fun. 
  • Going back to school/work was not. 
  • Got roped into helping with a school district steering committee - that has come to an end tonight with a successful vote for a 10th elementary.  Wahoo!  What a learning experience.
  • AJ started losing teeth finally!!
  • Basketball.  Lots and Lots and Lots of basketball. Both teams are SO fun to watch now.  They are learning so much and are playing games that look a LOT like actual basketball.  There are great kids on their teams with great parents... which is fun for me.
That's my incredibly quick update but now that I have that pathetic little post out of the way, I will get this back in my schedule!