Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Favorites

1. BASEBALL!  What a fun week of baseball!  First AJ - he had a couple good hits this week from the machine.  It's been a hard week for him because he is SO tired but he turned it around this week during baseball games.



Does it get any cuter than this??

Seriously!  Cutest Cub ever!! 

Look at that stretch.
And then there was Tyler.  It's tournament time for Single A players.  The way the schedule looked, he could potentially have played Mon-Thursday this week.  They won their game on Monday.
It was a close one though - see that score in the back!

"Thanking" coach Chris for his hard work
And Coach Kevin

And Coach Shannon - he was caught off guard
And since they won on Monday.  They played on Tuesday.  No pictures of this game because I was too high-strung.  LOL!!  They won!  It was so exciting for the boys because they got beat by this team pretty bad last time we played them and this game they won 15-2.  What a night!  Now we wait until Monday to play!

2. Saturday night with friends. We had date night with some good friends.  It was nice to get out and relax not to mention a great dinner at Centro!

3. Managing our schedule. This has become a full-time job/stress for me - between managing our sitters while we are at work to figuring out on which baseball fields we play.  I'm a planner and God's teaching me some lessons right now on NOT worrying and living in the moment.  I can't plan because I don't know what we have going on from night-to-night.  It's worked out.  Every night - it has worked out.

4.  Date night with AJ. Tyler had a birthday party to go to on Wednesday and Kevin was out of town.  Which means I had some 1:1 time with AJ.  What a great date!  He picked Pizza Ranch (shocking)!  Because it was just the two of us - he did a lot of talking.  It was awesome.... and he even opened the car door for me in the parking lot.  You are welcome future-daughter-in-law!  :)

5.  Dentist - We are so lucky to have a great dentist who referred us to a great orthodontist.  Took the boys to their first orthodontist appointment at ages 7 and 9.  WHAT!!?  Unfortunately, both boys have to have some teeth pulled.  Fortunately, we are blessed with care providers for the boys that I totally trust!

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