Sunday, April 21, 2013

Making a Difference

Tyler has a "Making a Difference" project that is due next week.  We affectionately refer to this assignment as "the yellow packet."  The "yellow packet" has had several phases but as a last step he had to come up with a project to do that made a difference at home or in the community.  We had LOTS of ideas but finally landed on Backpack Buddies (a project close to my heart)!  Here are his pictures of him making a difference.  (Although... for what it's worth... he makes a difference in my world EVERY DAY just by being his kind-hearted goof-ball self!!)

Time to get the presentation ready....



What's AJ been up to you ask.... Just chillin' and chasing "women" (Kindergartners) at recess.  Apparently he chases a girl and sings Gangnam Style but, in his words, "I sing 'little' instead of 'sexy'" (Hey little lady....).  I told him it wasn't nice to chase girls but he informed me she smiles and laughs at him.  Of course she does.

1 comment:

  1. I love these blogs that allow me into your world. Tyler and AJ..."You are the sunshine in my life..."
    Grams loves you!
