Monday, July 15, 2013


It's been quite a couple weeks.  The last week in June I thought to myself, "July is going to ROCK.  Our schedule completely opens up."  And then life happened.  Instead of nothing going on, life is going on. Grandpa Harold had to have surgery and is struggling through recovery. Honestly, we are all struggling.

When Kevin and I got married, I was asked a lot if I was going to hyphenate my name.  (That got old, fast!) Even though I never considered it, I was a little sad to change my last name.  Not because it's a great last name but because it's my grandpa's name.  When strangers would see my last name, I was often asked if I was related to Harold.  I'd tell them I was his granddaughter and their comments were always positive. Rather they knew him from his work on the city council or if they had him as a principal, they always had something sweet to tell me about my grandpa. He's made such a positive impact on his community - East Peoria is a better place because of his hard work and dedication.

He and I have always been close, always.  I would tell you that I'm his favorite grandchild.  As a kid, I really believed that.  As an adult, I'm willing to bet that my brother and cousins would tell you that they thought they were his favorite.  That's how he loves us - fiercely, unconditionally, wholeheartedly.  I'm crazy lucky to get to call him grandpa.  I've realized over the last couple weeks what I'm especially thankful for is that his legacy will live in my kids and my niece and nephew.

And then there is his faith.  He has a quiet faith.  He doesn't preach at us, he shows us his faith by living a good life.  I've never heard him say a bad thing about anyone, ANYONE.  Every morning he reads his Upper Room and when he was able, he went to church (in a suit!) every Sunday.  I truly believe he tries his best to live his life as Jesus taught us.

So as he fights to recover from surgery, I'm remaining hopeful and thankful.  Praying.  And looking through some old pics that bring back fond memories.  Thanks to all of my amazing friends and family who have been so supportive these past few weeks.  I'm so blessed.