Everyday I am overwhelmingly thankful for my boys. On the significant days and the insignificant days I'm so blessed that God picked ME to be their mom! I'm thankful for my awesome husband who helps me to raise them to be the awesome kids they are.
But today, I'm also thankful for my fellow-moms out there!
- My fellow Jesus-Lovin' Moms who help me stay on track, remind me of scripture, pray for me and my family and serve as great role models for my kids.
- My fellow Sport Moms who sit in the cold, the rain, the wind (hopefully, eventually, the heat) and cheer with me! Thank you for getting excited with me when my kids do something well and for letting me cheer along with you for your kids.
- My fellow Safety First Moms for keeping their kids in booster seats (so mine aren't the only ones!) and for making sure that mine are safe in their cars!
- My fellow Homework Moms who can talk through 3rd grade math with me and allow me to see that I'm not the only one who isn't clear on how you add to subtract.
- My fellow Pinterest Moms who pin a lot of FANTASTIC dinner and activity ideas.
- My fellow Crafty Moms who give me tips and ideas on how to make my house a home.
- My fellow Moms with All Boys who understand the toilet stench and the fear of future daughter-in-laws.
- My fellow Caregiver Moms who discuss all the kid ailments that come along and give tips and tricks.
So thank you to all my fellow Moms! You make this day special... so special that there should be a Mother's Day Part II - Celebrating Friends Who Make Us Great Moms! I encourage you all to celebrate this new holiday! No pictures of the family today... just a little Pinspiration that sums up the above!